- 4 minutes read - 718 wordsThis post describes open source projects where a developer, who needs to write software which the main requirement is to access common buses (widely used in industry like I2C, GPIO and SPI), could use open source libraries as a base ground and avoid dealing with low level access or at least building something from scratch.
How would that developer start ? What are the main open sources libraries ? Are they ready to use or need some adjustments or major revitalization ?
Those questions have been raised but there is no easy answer and to get things worse, embedded low level access may happen in a different way depending on hardware components and board layouts.
So, this post is more like a summary describing those APIs.
All application library from tonyrog follows a pattern implementing the low level Operation System using Erlang Driver, passing data to and from the VM using the port control. In some cases, like receiving a GPIO event, the driver sends a message to a specific process through the port control process in the VM. Other than that, the port control is used for all the communications. Another point is that the data structures between Erlang and C are done in such a way where bitstrings from Erlang are passed to C and buffers are written back to Erlang (there is no erlang terms encode/decode involved). The implementation is Linux specific.
GPIO, main API https://github.com/tonyrog/gpio/blob/master/src/gpio.erl
- init
- init_direct
- release
- set
- get
- clr
- input
- output
- set_direction
- get_direction
- set_interrupt
- get_interrupt
GPIO Erlang Driver for Linux based sysfs interface, bcm2835, omap24xx and omap34xx.
I2C, main API https://github.com/tonyrog/i2c/blob/master/src/i2c.erl
- open
- close
- set_retries
- set_timeout
- set_slave
- set_slave_force
- set_tenbit
- set_pec
- get_funcs
- rdwr
- smbus
I2C Erlang Driver for Linux based i2c-dev (userland access for I2C).
SPI, main API https://github.com/tonyrog/spi/blob/master/src/spi.erl
- open
- close
- transfer
- get_mode
- get_bits_per_word
- get_speed
SPI Erlang Driver for Linux based spidev (userland access for SPI).
PWM, main API https://github.com/tonyrog/pwm/blob/master/src/pwm.erl
- chip_list
- number_of_pwms
- export
- unexport
- set_duty_cycle
- set_period
- set enable
- disable polarity
It is a simple erlang wrapper for /sys/class/pwd Linux interface.
CAN, main API https://github.com/tonyrog/can/blob/master/src/can.erl
- send_ext
- send_fd
- send
- send_from
- sync_send
- sync_send_from
- create
- icreate
- send
- pause
- resume
- ifstatus
CAN Erlang Driver for Linux CAN socket driver.
UART, main API https://github.com/tonyrog/uart/blob/master/src/uart.erl. [UART Erlang Driver] (https://github.com/tonyrog/uart/blob/master/c_src/uart_drv.c) supports Linux and Windows UART.
Erlang ALE
erlang_ale targets Linux OS and provides an Erlang API access for GPIO (sysfs), I2C, SPI. All those accesses are done using Erlang Port and there are external C applications for each supported bus.
The encode and decode from and to Erlang is done by calling ei interface in C code.
- GPIO: write read set_int register_int unregister_int
- I2C: write read write_read
- SPI: transfer
Elixir ALE
elixir_ale is pretty much erlang_ale bringing improvements on the C side and other general fixes. But the API and strategy to access the Linux resources are still the same implemented by erlang_ale.
Elixir Circuits
elixir-circuits provides APIs and access on Linux for the most common busses like GPI, I2C, SPI and UART.
Available in two flavours:
Linux char device, https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_cdev, main API https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_cdev/blob/main/lib/chip.ex
- open
- read_value
- read_values
- request_line
- request_lines
- set_value
- set_values
- get_line_info
- listen_event
Linux sys interface, https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_gpio, main API https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_gpio/blob/main/lib/gpio.ex
- open
- read
- write
- set_interrupts
- set_interrupts
- set_direction
- set_pull_mode
- pin
Both are abstractions around Linux sysfs and char devices. The low level access is implemented using Erlang NIFs.
circuits_i2c, main API https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_i2c/blob/main/lib/i2c.ex
- open
- read
- write
- write_read
I2C Erlang NIF, using Linux i2c-dev for userland access.
circuits_spi, main API https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_spi/blob/main/lib/spi.ex
- open
- close
- transfer
SPI Erlang NIF, using Linux spidev for userland access.
circuits_uart, main API https://github.com/elixir-circuits/circuits_uart/blob/main/lib/circuits_uart.ex
- open
- close
- configuration
- send_break
- set_break
- write
- read
- drain
- flush
- signals
- set_rts
UART Erlang NIF for controlling the low level OS access.
As the GRiSP project is tailored around a specific hardware its API for busses access are very specific for that hardware and uses low level Operation System primitives written in C in order to access the hardware resource. The overall implementation takes some shortcuts to provide a nice abstraction. However, outside GRiSP context, it does not offer a generic hardware abstraction layer.
Main API: https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_gpio.erl
- get
- set
- clear
Implementation details:
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_gpio_poller.erl
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_gpio_drv.erl
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/grisp/grisp_base/drivers/grisp_gpio_drv.c
Main API: https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_i2c.erl
- msgs
Implementation details:
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_i2c.hrl
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_i2c_drv.erl
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/grisp/grisp_base/drivers/grisp_i2c_drv.c
Main API: https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_spi.erl
- send_recv
Implementation details:
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_spi_drv.erl
- https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/grisp/grisp_base/drivers/grisp_spi_drv.c
Main API: https://github.com/grisp/grisp/blob/master/src/grisp_onewire.erl
- transaction
- reset
- write_config
- detect
- bus_reset
- write_byte
- write_triplet
- read_byte
- search